It is now declared that the copyright of all design projects within this website belongs to their respective companies. Alix XU is only the executor of UI/UX work, with all design rights belonging to the respective companies. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via email at

Position held: UX UI designer
Project Overview:
Jeanno is a customized management solution developed by Swiss company EUKLEIA SA, designed to meet the unique needs of organizations providing personalized care and support, including child welfare services, child services, residential facilities, and other partners such as schools and doctors. The core objective of this project is to connect all stakeholders in the child welfare service domain, including educators, institutions, residential facilities, and young individuals, facilitating information sharing and real-time collaboration to enhance execution and management efficiency.
Project Scope:
As the project team’s sole UX/UI designer, my responsibilities encompassed user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. I was also responsible for creating and implementing the design system to ensure UI consistency and maintainability.
User Experience (UX):
As the project team’s sole UX/UI designer, my responsibilities encompassed user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. I was also responsible for creating and implementing the design system to ensure UI consistency and maintainability.
User Experience (UX):
1. Conducted user journey research to gain in-depth insights into professionals’ workflows and collaboration methods in the child welfare service domain.
2. Created detailed user personas based on user research, outlining their expectations, needs, pain points, and frustrations to reflect the needs of various user groups accurately.
3. Proposed innovative optimization solutions, including streamlining processes, introducing new tools (iPad and Desktop), and building a real-time information-sharing system.
4. Collaborated closely with product managers, project managers, and developers to define and maintain user stories, ensuring alignment between design and development.
5. Created detailed wireframes and interactive prototypes to showcase the UI design and functionality visually.

Users interface (UI) :
1. Designed and implemented user interfaces, establishing a consistent design system to ensure UI consistency across different platforms.
2. Created highly interactive prototypes to simulate real-world usage scenarios of the user interface, validating and improving the design's interactivity and user-friendliness.
3. Developed the design system, including design elements, component libraries, and style guidelines to enhance UI consistency and maintainability.

Accéder à l'ensemble des informations relatives aux jeunes. Une fiche signalétique comprenant:
Son parcours au sein de l’ASE
Son histoire familiale
Son parcours scolaire et médical
Ses documents numérisés
Et ses centres d'intérets
Configurer la structure organisationnelle de l’établissement
Des unités et sous-unités jusqu’aux chambres. Gestion de l’équipe, des évènements et des spécificités de l’établissement.
Définir les types d’hébergements et la capacité d’accueil
Calculer en temps réel la disponibilité de l’établissement
Gestion administrative (comptabilité, frais, documents échangés)

Du contenu synthétique aux informations détaillées de tous les résidents (réservations, nuitées, accueil de jour ou d'urgence...)
Permet la mise à jour et la diffusion sécurisée de l'information auprès de tous les acteurs concernés.
Jeanno c’est aussi une base documentaire contenant l’ensemble des documents échangés entre les différents partenaires ainsi que le cycle de vie de ces documents, comme par exemple :
Créer une fiche de présentation en vue de l'admission et la distribuer aux établissements. Par la suite, suivre et piloter l'ensemble du processus d’admission (accord, refus…)

Jeanno intègre une gestion comptable permettant aux établissements de créer, éditer et suivre leurs factures (hébergements, frais).
Jeanno gère l'ensemble des acteurs de l'ASE:
Organismes et services de l'ASE
Établissements et structures d'accueil
Écoles et médecins
Chaque partenaire a sa propre fiche signalétique (contacts, adresse, spécialités ou spécificités)
Une recherche multicritère permet de trouver rapidemment un partenaire.

Jeanno permet de connaitre en temps réel la disponibilité des établissements. Une recherche multicritère permet de trouver immédiatement une structure d'accueil:
Par géolocalisation
Pour une période donnée
En fonction de critères avancés (projet du jeune, spécificités de l'établissement)
Prototype on desktop and mobile ▼
Design System Development and Implementation:
I was responsible for developing and implementing the Design System to ensure UI consistency. This included defining design elements, creating component libraries, and writing style guidelines to use the same design language throughout the project. The Design System improved UI consistency and made it easier for the team to manage and maintain the UI, resulting in increased efficiency and maintainability.

Agile Development Team:
The project followed an agile development approach, with each team flexibly applying different agile management methods as needed. As a UX/UI designer, I maintained flexibility throughout the project, adapting to new changes and challenges. I collaborated closely with development, product management, and Scrum teams to ensure design and development remained in sync and met the evolving project requirements.
Project Challenges:
Challenges faced during the project included technical complexity and the need for close collaboration with various teams. However, efficient collaboration and technical implementation allowed us to overcome these challenges, contributing to the smooth progress of the project.
Recommendations and Future Outlook:
To further enhance the user experience, it is recommended to continuously monitor user feedback and make iterative improvements to the design. Similar digital approaches can be considered for other service processes within the organization to improve overall efficiency.
Closing Remarks:
This project marks a significant milestone in my career, and I am honored to have contributed to the field of child welfare services. I want to express my gratitude to the entire team and the vision and leadership of EUKLEIA SA for making this innovative product possible. My work on the project concluded in R1, and I look forward to seeing the product's success in the market.
For more information about the Jeanno Solution, please visit
For more information about the Jeanno Solution, please visit